Surgical Information
Finding excellent in-depth information about hair restoration, beyond infomercials and brochures, can be difficult. This area provides you with in-depth articles and papers written by some of the foremost hair transplant surgeons in the world. To learn more about non-surgical traeatments and see animations and videos, visit our multimedia Hair Loss Learning Center. For high quality hair systems, try Farrel Hair Systems for a hair system to suit your needs. Just released! – “The Hair Replacement Revolution” offers hair loss suffers a truly expert and comprehensive guide to all legitimate hair loss treatments. This guidebook is written by two credible and respected physicians, Dr. Emmanuel Marrit and Dr. James Harris. It also offers suggestions for excellent hair restoration surgeons, which are NOT determined by financial contributions. This book can be purchased at Amazon for $12.00 and is truly a “Must Read”! < Read Excerpts from this book > Articles and Medical Papers by renowned hair restoration doctors and practitioners
Designing the Hairline | Female
hair loss
| Follicular Grafts |
Hairline Dr Shapiro |
The Hair Replacement Revolution |
Guidelines for Hair
| Hair Restoration for Men
with Advanced Hair Loss
| What
Are Fullicular Units | How
FU Transplants Work | Corn
Row Correction | Hair Transplant