About Futzyhead BEST LITTLE HAIRHOUSE IN BC... And I can tell you this: Hasson and Wong is the way to go. I would say this to anyone: "If Dr. Hasson is not one of your top 3 choices, you haven't done enough research." With the exception of my consult with Hasson and Wong, every consultation I had left me wondering. I saw plenty of before and after pictures of hair transplants, but when I would ask if they were from actual patients of the doctor we were talking about, I always got the same answer: "Well, uh, no… But, Hair Transplants are all the same". I'm sorry, but that is FAR from the truth! I wanted to see actual patients of the ACTUAL Doctor who is going to be digging very near my brain. But, I found out, if you don't ASK the question, you won't get the answer! There is even a consultant out there, who works for another company, who had his work done by Dr. Hasson! Go figure... After combing the Internet, among other sources, I noticed that every “good” path lead to Hasson and Wong. In January 2001 I had a consultation at their Seattle office. Even though the information I had gathered showed that they were superior to other clinics, I still I walked in Mike Ferko’s office with quite an attitude. I was sure that I could trip him up since I had all the right questions to ask. I was mistaken. As I was thumbing through the pages of their before and after photos, I came across a picture of a transplant patient that I recognized from their website. I said, "Hey! I recognize this guy! He looks GREAT, but how do I really know that he's your patient? You could have gotten this picture from anywhere!" Mike’s response? "Oh- That's George, He's stopping by in five minutes- you should stick around and meet him." Sure enough, George waltzes through the door- Larger than life! He let me inspect his mop-top. It looked great! And, if that wasn't enough, I was able to look at 2 more Hasson hairlines while I was there! I sat back down in my chair, and booked my appointment for 2 weeks later! I had a 3000 graft hair transplant (all follicular units) in February 2001, and the rest is history- Summed up in the following pictures.
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