A significant number of hair restoration surgeries performed at the New
Hair Institute involve some type of corrective procedures to fix bad hair
transplants, scalp reductions and flaps performed by other physicians.
The following describes the approach that NHI physicians use when dealing
with patients who need repair work.
Improperly performed hair restoration surgeries present a series of unique
problems that often must be solved by deviating from the normal rules
that would apply to performing a hair transplant on a "virgin"
scalp. Repairs require far more experience and creativity on the part
of the surgeon than when performing the original hair transplants. In
repair procedures, the surgeon encounters a multitude of problems that
often exist simultaneously. Unfortunately, the improper techniques that
cause the cosmetic defects are often the same ones that limit the repair.
Fundamental to all repair work, therefore, is establishing a series of
goals that are carefully prioritized so that, in the event they cannot
all be met, the ones most critical to the patient's appearance are dealt
with first.
The patient who has had bad hair transplants experience is often depressed,
angry and distrusting. Therefore, the surgeon attempting a repair has
a number of challenges, not all surgical. He must restore confidence in
a patient who feels he was betrayed by the medical establishment and who
often wishes he had never started with the hair restoration process in
the first place. The physician must establish trust in a patient who had
been misled, establish new goals when previous goals had not been met,
and explain a sequence of new procedures when the prior ones were not
well understood. The doctor must also convince his patient to embark on
a new series of surgeries with the understanding that obvious benefit
may not be apparent after the initial procedures. He must plan his surgery
in concert with the social needs of the patient and design the procedure
so that specific styling and grooming techniques can be used to enhance
the surgery. The doctor must then perform surgery with techniques individualized
to the particular patient and deal with problems that cannot always be
anticipated before the surgery is begun. Restoration work on bad hair
transplants is a creative endeavor that combines communication, surgical
and aesthetic skills to achieve the patient's goals.
Although many problem results reflect procedures that were routinely performed
prior to the advent of the use of small grafts, the availability of "modern
techniques" alone does not protect the patient against bad work.
Errors in surgical and aesthetic judgment, performing procedures on non-candidates,
and operating on patients with unrealistic expectations, still remain
major problems. Therefore, extreme care in selecting a surgeon is just
as important today even though, as a whole, physicians are performing
better surgery.
The use of very small grafts, and now follicular unit grafts, eliminates
many of the more blatant problems associated with the older procedures.
However, there are "cost cutting" techniques used by some physicians
that create new areas of concern. One of these is the automated "graft
cutter" where thin slivers of donor tissue are placed on a series
of blades and smacked with a hammer into smaller pieces. These techniques
appear to save the patient money, however, they unnecessarily destroy
precious donor hair and limit the amount of fullness that can be achieved
with the hair transplants. Even procedures touted as state-of-the-art
technology, such as laser hair transplantation, can cause harm to unwary
patients by slowing the healing process and causing unnecessary scarring
in the recipient area.
Problems Seen with Bad Hair Transplants
The major cosmetic problems encountered with poorly planned, or improperly
executed, hair restoration surgery can be classified as follows:
Grafts too large or "pluggy";
Hairline too far forward;
Hairline too broad;
Hair placed in the wrong direction;
Unrealistic area of attempted coverage;
Scarring in the recipient area;
Hair wastage; and
Donor area scarring. Many of these problems are interrelated and patients needing repair
work often have multiple problems to correct. Before "correcting"
an old transplant, it is important to first establish what aspects of
the old work bother the patient most. The patient must clearly express
his or her concerns and his or her priorities, and then discuss the management
of each of these issues with the physician. It may not always be possible
to solve all the problems, but partial improvement may still be a worthy
goal. Some aspects of the hair transplants that bother the surgeon may
be left untreated if they do not necessarily concern the patient. Setting
priorities before the repair has begun will help ensure maximum patient
Large Grafts There are multiple problems with patients who have received larger grafts.
When hair is distributed properly in a hair restoration procedure, the
density should not exceed 50% of one's original density. The reason for
this is that the normal human scalp has at least a 100% visual redundancy.
This means that the eye cannot perceive hair loss until it exceeds 50%.
There is, then, no logical reason to restore more than 50%, especially
in view of the fact that the balding individual has less total hair volume.
As a result of the contraction of plugs once they have been transplanted,
the density of hair in the plugs may actually exceed the donor density.
This produces a pattern of excessive density within the larger grafts
and empty spaces between them. In most patients who will have a significant
amount of balding, there is not enough donor hair to both fill in the
spaces between the plugs and cover all the area that needs to have hair.
As a result, the surgeon is left with the dilemma of choosing between
a pluggy look scattered over a large area or very high density in some
areas with insufficient coverage in others. Often the patient is left
with both problems!
It is important to note that one often observes less density in the grafts
than one would anticipate from the size of the harvested plug. This can
be due to a number of different mechanisms. Two of the most common are
hair loss from poor harvesting techniques, and hair loss caused by a phenomenon
called "doughnutting." In doughnutting, the centers of grafts
get insufficient oxygen following transplantation and therefore, the follicles
in the central portion of the grafts fail to survive. This results in
hair growing only in the periphery of the grafts. This was a common phenomenon
in 4- and 5-mm plugs, but can also be noted in grafts 3-mm in size. A
"crescent moon" deformity occurs when these two problems exist
simultaneously and the transection, in effect, cuts off half of the doughnut
leaving a crescent moon shape. An additional problem is that, in these
cases, even though the appearance might not be very pluggy, the total
available donor hair is markedly decreased. These problems do not occur
with micrografts or follicular unit grafts.
A Hairline that is Too Low or Too Broad Although the adolescent hairline hugs the upper brow crease, the position
of the normal adult male hairline is approximately one fingerbreadth higher
(1.5 cm above the upper brow crease at the midline). A common mistake
of the inexperienced hair restoration surgeon is to restore the hairline
to the adolescent, rather than the normal adult position. Hairlines that
have been restored to the low adolescent position are most commonly seen
in younger patients whose memory of their adolescent hairline is still
fresh in their minds and who put considerable pressure on the doctor to
place hair in this location. Unfortunately, this also occurs in the situation
where the physician is anxious to get the patient "started"
with surgery rather than embarking on a more conservative (and more appropriate)
medical treatment. A low frontal hairline not only distorts the patient's
facial proportions, it sets expectations that are unsustainable if the
balding progresses, and precludes a natural balanced look to the restoration
as the patient ages. Hair Placed in the Wrong Direction In the front and top part of the scalp hair grows in a distinctly forward
direction changing to a circular pattern, only as one approaches the crown.
The hair always emerges from the scalp at an acute angle, with the angle
being most acute at the temples. The patient's own hair direction must
be followed exactly if there is any hope of the transplant looking natural.
The only exception would be with swirls at the frontal hairline that most
likely won't be permanent.
Unfortunately, there has been a tendency for hair restoration surgeons,
using larger grafts, to transplant them perpendicular to the skin from
the outset. This is probably due to the fact that the mechanics of the
old plug procedures made sharp angling technically difficult and resulted
in more elevation and/or pitting when the grafts healed. Sadly, these
habits persist even with the use of very small grafts. It is not uncommon
to see a patient whose transplanted frontal hairline has hair pointing
in a radial direction, giving a "Statue of Liberty" appearance.
Another problem with placing hair perpendicular to the scalp is that the
viewer looks into the base of the hair shaft (where the hair inserts into
the scalp). This looks distinctly abnormal, although the patient is often
unaware of the problem. In a properly performed hair transplant, the hair
is transplanted pointing forward and then when the hair is groomed to
the side or back, the hair is bent (bowed), showing the curve of the hair
shaft to the viewer, rather than the base.
Unrealistic Area of Attempted Coverage The first area to bald is generally the area where you should be most
wary when transplanting. This useful guideline is commonly ignored by
doctors anxious to get their patients started with surgery. For example,
the temples and crown generally bald first, but recession at the temples
and thinning in the crown are very acceptable, especially as the patient
ages. The central forelock region, however, is generally late to bald
(particularly in certain family lines), but when it is lost, the patient
looses the frame to his face and its restoration becomes essential.
An adequate amount of hair must always be reserved for the critical areas
such as the forelock and top of the scalp, regardless of whether these
areas need coverage at the time of the initial transplant. If the patient's
donor reserves are limited, due to poor scalp laxity, low donor density,
fine hair shaft diameter or a host of other reasons, the transplantation
of other less critical areas should be postponed or avoided entirely.
A pattern that resembles "two horns and a tail" may result when
doctors are too aggressive in transplanting the temples and crown in a
young person. This can become a cosmetic nightmare for the patent when
there is further balding and these regions cannot be connected due to
inadequate donor reserves. Scarring in the Recipient Area Traditional round grafts require the largest wounds, but even mini-micrografting
produces wounds that can be unnecessarily large as most of the donor tissue
is transplanted along with the hair. These large wounds often result in
scarring. Scarring has a number of undesirable effects on the transplant.
When severe, it can cause graft elevation or depression, loss of grafts
after the surgery and poor hair growth. When mild, scarring may result
in subtle textural and visual irregularities in the skin around the grafts,
produce a distortion of the hair direction and cause a change in quality
of the hair shaft, all reducing the chance of a cosmetically satisfactory
Laser hair transplantation, more aptly termed "laser site creation"
represents the epitome of purposeless scarring. The laser itself is nothing
more than a marketing gimmick. Basically, the laser is a glorified "punch"
that creates holes or slits in the recipient scalp by removing (vaporizing)
tissue. The laser is smartly marketed with claims that "the beam
is so precise that the zone of thermal injury can be measured in microns."
However, regardless of how little damage is done to surrounding tissue,
the recipient tissue directly under the beam is totally destroyed.
The laser has the additional disadvantages of increased set-up time, greater
cost, and potential eye hazards. The laser operator lacks the precise
tactile and visual guidance to adjust for depth and angle when making
sites on a curved scalp. Most important, the laser destroys tissue and
unnecessarily increases the recipient wound size.
Ridging Another significant cosmetic problem produced by larger grafts is the
extra volume of tissue introduced into the recipient site. This extra
tissue produces a fullness and elevation of the transplanted area and
a clinically apparent ridge, separating it from the surrounding bald scalp.
In some patients, this problem is compounded by a negative reaction of
the surrounding tissue in response to the transplanted grafts. This phenomenon,
termed "hyperfibrotic change" by Dr. Dow Stough, accentuates
the abnormal contour of the transplanted area. In addition, there is some
evidence that the hair subsequently placed into this area may exhibit
sub-optimal growth.
Hyperfibrotic changes are rarely seen with very small grafts and have
not been reported with Follicular Unit Transplantation. Wasting Hair Wastage of donor hair, not often noted initially, is a major limitation
to preserving adequate density for sufficient coverage. It is the hidden
enemy of all successful repairs. Hair wastage comes in many forms: poor
graft harvesting and dissection, improper graft storage and handling,
keeping the grafts out of the body too long, packing the transplanted
grafts too closely in the scalp, poor pre-operative preparation, or inadequate
post-op care. Literally every step of a poorly executed transplant may
serve to deplete one's donor supply.
An interesting paradox occurs with the old punch-graft technique. When
the procedure is executed flawlessly, most of the donor hair is captured
in each punch and the growth of the grafts appears pluggy, inciting immediate
complaints on the part of the patient. When the procedure is performed
poorly, there is increased transection of the harvested follicles and
inadequate growth in the centers of the larger grafts, both contributing
to a softer, more natural look. Although in the latter situation, the
patients are initially more satisfied, the poor growth is evidence that
there will be problems with hair supply down the line and, ultimately,
a worse cosmetic result.
Donor Scarring Although the major effect of scarring in the donor area is to decrease
the amount of available hair, when scarring is severe, the scar itself
may become a cosmetic problem. The situations where this is most likely
to occur are when the scar is: placed too high (in the non-permanent zone),
placed too low (near the nape of the neck or over the ear), excessively
wide in any location, or raised (a hypertrophic scar or a keloid). Limiting Factor in Repair Procedures Many of the cosmetic defects created by poor techniques can be completely
reversed or "partially undone" by meticulously removing and
re-implanting unsightly grafts. However, the main factor that often prevents
the surgeon from achieving all of the patient's restorative goals is a
limited donor supply.
Hair wastage due to poor surgical techniques is usually the main cause
of this donor supply depletion. The early telltale signs of hair wastage
may be hair transplants that appears too thin for the number of grafts
used, poor growth manifested as gaps at the hairline, or uneven density
in areas where the coverage should be uniform. The fact that donor hair
was wasted might be surmised from a longer donor incision than one would
expect for a given number of grafts, or abnormally low density in the
donor area in the vicinity of the donor scar. Unfortunately, it is very
difficult to ascertain exactly what the underlying causes had been after
the fact and, by the time surgeon is aware that he has run out of usable
donor hair, the damage has already been done.
Because adequate donor supply is so critical to a successful repair, accurately
assessing the amount of hair available becomes paramount. When performing
a hair transplant on a virgin scalp, quantifying the donor supply is rather
straightforward, since the density and scalp laxity are relatively uniform
in the donor area. In repairs, however, additional factors come into play,
so that even though there might appear to be enough hair in the donor
area, it might not be available to the surgeon for use. Factors that limit
the available donor hair include:
- Low donor density,
- Fine hair caliber,
- Poor scalp mobility, and
- Scarring.
Low Donor Density Donor hair density can be measured using a simple hand-held device called
a Densitometer. The average Caucasian has approximately 2.0 hairs/mm2,
but this can vary from as little as 1.5 hairs/mm2 to greater than 3 hairs/mm2.
In most individuals, the density of follicular units in one's scalp (follicular
unit density) is relatively constant at 1 follicular unit/mm2. After hair
transplantation procedures, the average density in the donor area decreases.
Unfortunately, after poor hair transplant surgery, there isn't a corresponding
increase in hair in the recipient areas of the scalp.
In modern strip harvesting, the resulting linear scar gives little indication
of the strip's actual size, as it only reflects the length of the excised
strip and not its width. Thus, the actual amount of tissue that had been
removed cannot readily be ascertained.
Using densitometry, this information can be measured by looking at the
increased spacing of follicular units. The percent of measured decrease
in follicular unit density will give an indication of how much tissue
had been removed and more important, how much is left to harvest. You
cannot obtain this information from measuring hair density alone if it
had not been measured before the surgery. Unfortunately, doctors who perform
bad hair transplants rarely pay attention to measuring hair density, and
even less commonly record it in the patient's file. Fine Hair Caliber Although not affected by the transplant, hair shaft diameter is an extremely
important contributor to hair volume and thus the available hair supply.
Hair shaft diameter is mentioned less often than the actual number of
hairs because it is more difficult to measure, but its importance to both
the virgin transplant and to a repair cannot be overemphasized. Variations
in hair shaft diameter have an approximately 2.7 times greater impact
on the appearance of fullness than the absolute number of hairs.
The importance of this in a repair is that, for a given degree of plugginess,
fine hair will provide less camouflage than coarser hair. Fine hair, therefore,
must be transplanted in greater numbers, or in multiple sessions, to achieve
the same results. When this quantity of hair is not available, compromises
must be made in the repair. This important issue should be discussed with
patients who have fine hair prior to the repair, so that priorities can
be established in advance.  Poor Scalp Mobility Donor density and hair shaft diameter are not the only factors affecting
the available donor supply. In order for an adequate amount of hair to
be harvested, there needs to be sufficient scalp laxity (looseness) to
close the wound after the donor strip is removed. Especially when there
is low donor density, having adequate laxity is especially important because
a widened scar may be visible through the thin hair.
The location of the donor incision greatly affects scalp mobility. The
ideal position for the donor incision is in the mid-portion of the permanent
zone. The muscles of the neck insert into the deeper tissues of the scalp
just below that area. The problem is that an incision placed below this
area will be affected by the muscle movement directly beneath it. A stretched
scar in this location is extremely difficult to repair since re-excision,
even with undermining and layered closure, will tend to heal with an even
wider scar.
The main risk of placing the scars too high is the lack of permanence
of the transplanted hair (it may be subject to androgenetic alopecia),
and future visibility of the scar if the donor fringe were to narrow further.
Scarring Scarring in the donor area limits the amount of hair accessible to the
surgeon for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is that a larger
donor strip must be removed to harvest the same amount of hair. The second,
mentioned above, is that scarring decreases scalp laxity by destroying
elastic tissue and often destroying the subcutaneous layer causing the
scalp skin to be bound down to the deeper tissues. The third is that scars
themselves present cosmetic problems when visible, so more donor hair
must be left to cover a scarred area than to cover normal scalp.
The presence of open donor scars, made by the old punch technique may
give a false sense of security. Because an excision with a primary closure
was not performed, the patient's donor laxity has not been compromised.
This thinking may lure the unwary surgeon into harvesting a donor strip
that is too wide. When the surgeon attempts to close the donor wound,
the tight closure requires more tension on the sutures. The sutures, however,
tend to tear the scarred wound edges (that are significantly more fragile
and inflexible than normal scalp), increasing the scarring and hindering
the repair.
Follicular Unit Transplantation: The Ideal
Tool for Repair Poor planning, bad judgment and sloppy techniques in hair transplantation
result in cosmetic defects and poor hair growth. Some of the problems
with a hair transplant, however, are intrinsic to the procedure and cannot
be completely avoided, regardless of how conscientious the doctor or impeccable
the technique. This is because even moderately sized grafts run the risk
of scarring and an uneven appearance.
To avoid these problems, NHI Physicians advise performing the entire hair
restoration procedure using exclusively follicular units. In repair procedures
where there is already scarring and hair wastage, using a procedure that
minimizes wounds, maximizes the utilization of donor hair, and looks totally
natural, is even more important. Follicular Unit Transplantation is the
ideal tool for the following four reasons:
- The techniques used in FUT, namely single strip harvesting and microscopic
dissection, insure maximum
utilization of the donor supply.
- The small size of follicular units permits small wounds that limit
further damage to areas that have already been scarred.
- The relatively greater hair content of follicular units, as compared
to mini-micrografts of the same size, allows them to provide greater
- Follicular unit grafts duplicate the way hair grows in nature and
therefore provide the most natural restoration.
Excising the donor tissue as a single strip is especially important
in repair work since the orientation of hair follicles in the donor scalp
has been altered from prior surgery. Because of this, a multi-bladed knife
(the traditional harvesting tool in mini-micrografting) can cause excessive
follicular transection. Once the strip is removed, microscopic dissection
allows for the retrieval of donor hair in, and around, the scar tissue
produced by the old transplants, significantly increasing the amount of
usable hair. Traditional graft dissection, without the use of a microscope,
does not provide enough resolution to ensure that the follicles, distorted
by the surrounding scar tissue, are removed intact.
When follicular units are dissected from the donor strip, grafts are generated
that contain a greater proportion of hair in relation to skin than in
the surrounding tissue. This is unique in hair restoration surgery as
both punch grafts and mini-micrografts have essentially the same ratio
of skin and hair as the tissue from which they were derived. Since the
follicular unit is a more compact hair-bearing structure, it can fit into
smaller recipient wounds (minimizing additional insult to the donor area)
and provide for greater coverage (or camouflage of poor work). In addition,
since follicular unit grafts mimic the way hair grows in nature, it is
logical to take advantage of them in hair restoration.
Repair Strategies There are two basic repair strategies that are often used in conjunction
with one another: removal with re-implantation of the grafts and camouflage.
In the following sections, specific techniques will be grouped under these
broad strategies.
Camouflage is the primary means used to improve the cosmetic appearance
of a poorly executed transplant. In this situation, the existing grafts
are used to provide volume or bulk to the transplant. The camouflage,
small mini-micrografts or follicular units, is used to create a more natural
appearance. When possible, camouflage should be used as the sole restorative
procedure since excision and re-implantation require extra procedures
and will postpone the completion of the restoration. In addition, the
process of removing grafts may cause some damage to the hair follicles
and produce additional scarring. Since removal of large numbers of grafts
may result in less total hair volume, they should not be removed indiscriminately.
Camouflage should be preceded by excision and re-implantation when camouflage
alone is incapable of producing a satisfactory result. This usually occurs
- The existing grafts are too large to be camouflaged.
- There are grafts in an inappropriate location.
The hairline is too low or too broad.
The temples have been inappropriately transplanted.
The crown has been transplanted in the face of an inadequate donor
- The hair direction is wrong.
When grafts are too large, in a position where placing additional grafts
in front of them would bring the hairline down too low, when the hair
that they contain is pointing in the wrong direction, or when the grafts
are simply in an area that should not have been transplanted, their removal
is mandatory. Camouflage alone in these situations will likely exaggerate
an already unacceptable appearance.
If excision and re-implantation are indicated, they should be performed
before the camouflage is undertaken to achieve the best possible results.
Once additional grafts have been placed, removing the old ones becomes
much more problematic and additional hair wastage and scarring result.
When in doubt, it is best to err on the side of removing inappropriately
placed grafts, rather that trying to cover them up.
The traditional approach to improving the appearance of plugs is to attempt
to fill in the empty spaces between the grafts with additional large grafts.
The main problem with this method is that it takes an area of already
high density and makes it even greater. Since the resultant density is
impossible to sustain, the patient runs a serious risk of completely depleting
his donor reserves. This, in turn, forces the surgeon into leaving gaps
in the area being fixed, and leaving other cosmetically important areas
uncovered. Another problem is that the use of large grafts in the repair
produces additional scarring (and decreased blood supply in an area already
markedly scarred). As a result, not only may the new grafts exhibit poor
growth, but they decrease the chance that future procedures will be successful.
A preferred approach to improving the appearance of plugs is to reduce
the density of these larger grafts by excising a portion of them and then
redistributing the hair obtained from these grafts into an adjacent area
(as individual follicular units). This will decrease the density of the
problem area and permit additional areas to be transplanted with less
density, since the potential contrast will have been reduced. This, in
turn will produce a more balanced look and conserve donor hair.
Repair Techniques Graft removal with re-implantation of the hair as individual follicular
units, and camouflage can be used for most restorative work. As discussed
above, these can be used alone or in conjunction with one another.
- Removal and Re-implantation
- Punch excision
- Linear excision
- Electrolysis
- Laser Hair Removal
- Camouflage
- Concept of Camouflage
- Establishing the Frontal Hairline
- Transition Zones
- Angling
- Forward and Side Weighting
- The Hockey Stick
- Carpet Tacking
Punch Excision Removing part of a large graft is a simple technique that can be used
to decrease the unnatural density of the old plugs. It is accomplished
by punching or "coring out," part of the old graft and leaving
a crescent shaped section of hair behind. This method has a number of
advantages: 1) it preserves some of the hair in the original graft, 2)
it enables the removed hair to be re-used, 3) it can remove and improve
the appearance of some of the scarred underlying skin and, 4) its results
are immediate.
When the main cosmetic problem is that the plugs are too large or dense,
the goal may be to simply decrease their density rather than to remove
them completely. In this situation, the splay of follicles below the surface
of the skin will permit some hair to remain in the area even if all of
the hair visible on the surface appears to have been removed. As a general
guide, we find that approximately 25% of the hair in most punches will
re-grow even if the punch fits neatly over all of the emerging hair.
With grafts behind the hairline, one should only remove enough hair so
that they can be camouflaged in subsequent sessions. The decision regarding
how much of the grafts should actually be removed will depend upon both
the grafts themselves and also the patient's donor reserves. With high
donor reserves and centrally placed grafts, little density reduction is
usually required, even if the grafts are large. However, in patients with
depleted donor reserves where significant camouflage is not possible,
the visual impact of these grafts often needs to be completely neutralized
with excision and re-implantation.
Grafts at or near the frontal hairline almost always need to be reduced
to 1-3 hairs to look natural after a camouflage. In spite of the relative
ease of removing only part of a graft, all of the hair in the graft should
be completely removed if: 1) the grafts are in an inappropriate location,
i.e. too low on the forehead or in the temples or crown, 2) when it is
not appropriate to transplant in affected areas, or 3) the hair has been
transplanted pointing in the wrong direction. When the grafts are to be
removed entirely, it is extremely important to tell the patient that this
will most likely require more than one session, as some re-growth of hair
is the rule, rather than the exception.
Excised grafts are immediately placed under a stereomicroscope and dissected
into individual follicular units. In the average repair case performed
in our office, one excised graft yields approximately 3-4 follicular units,
although usually not all of the units are intact because of the damage
caused by the original procedure(s). The new follicular unit grafts are
placed in a region of hair loss separate from the area of plug removal.
It is important not to plant the new grafts too closely together, since
repair surgeries are best spaced only two months apart, giving insufficient
time for the hair to grow to a visible length before the next procedure.
By spreading out the small number of follicular grafts harvested from
plugs over a relatively large area, it is unlikely that grafts of a subsequent
session will interfere with those of the first, even if placed in the
same location.
It is usually difficult to remove multiple rows of closely spaced grafts
in one session as the closure of one wound may place tension on the next,
especially if the grafts are in adjacent rows. This is less of a problem
when removing adjacent grafts in a linear arrangement, since, in this
situation, the closure of one graft has little impact on an adjacent one.

Hair Loss information on this site has been
contributed by hair loss specialists and surgeons who have
years of experience in the field of hair loss.